Remembering Josephine O’Neill, Virginia O’Connor and Theresa Burke


To honor their memory, and to carry on the work that they started, a scholarship fund was

established in 2005.  To date, twenty five New Dorp graduates have received scholarship awards from the O’Neill-O’Connor Fund.

These three educators were all instrumental in shaping the lives of both young students and young faculty members.  With a dual goal, The O’Neill-O’Connor Award is presented to a student of

outstanding character who has achieved academic excellence.  The scholarship provides a deserving student with a one-time award toward his or her future education.  The Burke Award provides

financial support to a student who has overcome adversity and plans to continue their education

and/or career training.  Please remember these 3 faculty members by making a substantial

contribution to the O’Neill and O’Connor Memorial Award Fund.  Our goal is to raise enough

money to keep these awards going for many years to come.


Please PRINT your personal information:


Name:  ________________________________ NDHS Graduation Year:  ______


Address: _______________________________________________ Apt.: ______


City:______________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________


Telephone: ________________________ Email:__________________________


I wish to make the following donation to the O’Neill and O’Connor Memorial Award:


$100.00____ $50.00____ $25.00____ Other____


If you would like to designate how your funds should be used, please indicate below:


In memory of Josephine O’Neill and Virginia O’Connor, I have enclosed a donation of $_________.

In memory of Theresa Burke, I have enclosed a donation of  $_________.


All checks should be made out to the “O’Neill and O’Connor Memorial Award.”


Your contribution is tax deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement for tax purposes.


Please mail your check and this completed form to the address below:


O’Neill and O’Connor Memorial Award

5 Morse Avenue

Staten Island, NY  10314