12 Suggestions for Teaching Coding

First Day - Coding: Produce a presentation about coding using project examples and videos. There are various coding videos and projects on the internet to share with your students. Two excellent sites are: https://scratch.mit.edu/ and https://code.org/

Beginner’s Project: Ease students into coding by starting with a beginner’s project. Add a challenge or suggest students work with a partner.

National Hour of Code: Participate in the National Hour of Code event. This is a great way to kick-off coding in your school. Activities range from Kindergarten – up. Teachers can print certificates of completion, find lessons, view videos, print posters, and detailed information about the event at their website. http://hourofcode.com/us

Differentiate Lessons: Differentiate coding lessons to meet the needs of all students. Use Choice Boards, Tic-Tac-Toe Boards, and Menu Boards to create differentiate lessons and allow students to work at their ability level and pace.

Invite the Community: Hold a Community Coding Event at your school. Invite parents, grandparents, and community members to attend the event and learn how to code by working with a student. Involve students in creating the agenda, handouts, and lessons for the event. Invite the local newspaper media.

Displays: Create hallway displays and classroom bulletin boards with completed coding projects. Students learn and get excited viewing classmates accomplishments. A good motivating bulletin board is one displaying student created Maze Games or Short Story projects.

Newsletter: Create a coding newsletter written by students. The newsletter can include coding websites, coding games, coding projects to remix, future job market news, and information about student coding projects.

Unplugged Activities: Try unplugged coding activities to do in the classroom. The CODE website has excellent unplugged activities: https://code.org/lear

Webpage: Create a webpage for your coding classes. Add links to coding sites, articles, tutorials, and videos. Be sure to include photo galleries to showcase student coding projects, photos of students working, and special event pictures. A webpage is a great tool for organizing coding information for students to use in the classroom and at home.

CT (Coding Ticket) - Students use coding tickets to write a coding tidbit they can share with their classmates. It becomes a helpful tool for students to quickly acquire coding information to use in their projects. Post coding tickets on a designated bulletin board.

Share & Learn: Locate another school district to share coding lessons and create challenges for the students.

Staff In-Service: Students teach staff members how to code and integrate projects with classroom lessons. This activity introduces coding to staff members and is helpful to promote coding in your school or district.

Michelle Vance, Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center- Mansfield, Ohio, Technology Instructor & Gifted Intervention Specialist - 1994 Tech & Learning State Winner – Ohio, Teacher of the Year.